Known issues:
If you die after firing off the statuette event, you automatically end up with the "Objective Complete" message as you respawn at Takkan's Room. Joe pointed that one out and we'll be addressing it ASAP.
Known issues:
If you die after firing off the statuette event, you automatically end up with the "Objective Complete" message as you respawn at Takkan's Room. Joe pointed that one out and we'll be addressing it ASAP.
If you are working on the master file, you MUST have all of the current static mesh files working properly in the level. If for some reason you're getting errors about missing static meshes and you save the master file anyway, you will break all of the correct links to the mesh package and everyone will now have a broken file, even if they have the correct mesh packages on their computer.
My suggestion is that we all start using the default folder that UT3 looks to for custom mesh packages:
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Unpublished\CookedPC
Note that "USERNAME" should be replaced by whatever your user name is on Windows.
For instance, on my computer it looks like:
C:\Documents and Settings\Heather\My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Unpublished\CookedPC
Dump all current mesh packages into this CookedPC folder, NOT within CustomMaps or any other sub-folders within CookedPC.
When you load up the level from now on, you will not have to load the mesh packs first, since the mesh packs are in the default folder UT3 looks in. Keep in mind that if for some reason there are any additional changes to the mesh packs, you will need to dump the updated mesh packs into this folder again (and overwrite the old ones.)
In closing, PLEASE remember that if you're seeing mesh errors when you save the file, you're making those errors happen for everyone else.
Avoid making problems that can be avoided.
If you have any questions, launch them at me.
Got it…
If the file gets saved with "missing" meshes, due to not having the right mesh packs on the user's system, it screws up everyone who tries to load it thereafter. The null mesh references get saved into the file, so even having the right package on a different computer will make no difference.
So make note:
Work out whatever is causing your mesh pack issue FIRST, then save. If you save the file with association problems it trickles down onto everyone.
For some reason after I incorporated the new stuff into master level file the zones quit working. I'm trying to sort that out!
If you guys need some help texturing and such let me know. Shoot me over the meshes or let me know what you need me to do.
Consequently, errors are now through the roof when you build the level. Please help sort these out!
A new version is up. All events are in place but may still need polish.
We currently have a lot of errors popping after our builds. Some are not our fault (default texture error, for instance,) but some will need worked out eventually. This is something to keep in mind as we work to implement the rest of our events.
BETA is also due Saturday, so let's please try to get things caught up by then!
If you have any questions, problems, or even if you have emotional grievances, please don't hesitate to contact me! I'm usually around my computer!
Hi Team,
This week we need to try and get things caught up. We're very close to being directly on-target!
The observatory is the only thing that needs laid down still. We'll also be looking at polishing existing things, such as the AI. I'll need the second strain of AI to finish the observatory. At this point, I think we'll continue to have Alan on AI because he's doing a great job with it. I'll pick up the slack in other areas so he can concentrate on getting the best end product for our bots.
Also, this is a big testing week. Everyone on every team is supposed to be testing and giving feedback in Assignments 1 and 2. Alan and I will be working on getting Week 7 tasks in place, as they are now officially late. On that note, I especially need some rigorous testing from Chris. This is your time to shine with the QA!
The latest test. I am running short on time but in the latest schedule post it wanted a playtest of the route to Zimri's room. I played the latest file I could find that was in Doc Sharing week 7 and the same things apply from my last weeks test sheet, needs some lighting and applied textures. I think Heather Decker said she posted an updated version but I could not find it, I posted to her post to see if maybe it was forgotten or put in a different area in Doc Sharing. I will be out of town for the weekend and unable to test the stage so this was the best I could do. I am sorry if this is an inconvenience but I was hoping to be able to play the latest version before i left.
I think that is pretty good. I enjoyed reading it to say the least. After running around in the level I can feel this too, so in my opinion this works quite well.
I'm not sure exactly what was needed for this level back story things. I basically did some review of the setting and wrote a little splash paragraph like something a player would read before playing a level. I meshed some of the steam punk idea with the traditional Babylon theme. Looking for thoughts and ideas here.
Level Backstory
Never ceasing in its study of astrological and steam sciences the city of Babylon has become a wondrous place of development and design. Food and trade are in abundance, the gods are kind, and justice remains vigilant. However beneath the sights of the gods and this blanket of tranquility there are those who wish to make a mockery of her justice and fortune. With a city so vast with transits of rooftops, alleys, canopies, and pipe ways such evil is free to scamper and evade as it sees fit. Our city of Babylon ,plagued with such duality, lies vulnerable to those able to muster power within the shadows.
I just checked out the latest schedule post where the test team was worked into it. Any idea on what level backstory "creation history" might be inquiring? Just thought I would ask because I was not sure and the schedule suggests I need to get this together. I have to go away for the weekend so I am hoping I can get this done and get to test the latest updates to the level before I go so I don't leave us hanging. I will check back in, in a little while.
Update, just posted to Doc Sharing in class and Master File Bank here. Requires updated mesh package 3.
At this point the route to the observatory is taken care of and we just need to finish the observatory itself.
This sounds good Damon (Damion) (Mr. Willis)
Can you e-mail this to me when it is complete?
I am not sure if she meant for us to use the backstory that was already made or not. I have sent her an e-mail for clarification.
I know that we need to have some sort of in-game backstory as well as a project backstory.
What I am not sure about is whether or not we need to have this done by this evening or not. (Thursday)
I do not see why this document is needed for the Alpha and I see that it needs to be worked into the schedule but no indication that it needs completeing for the Alpha.
Ya, I had issues earlier for a while as well.
I am having trouble logging in today on thursday to the classroom and I have no idea why. Anybody else experiencing any problems with this?
Caitlin mentioned something about using the already made backstory for the game but put it into its own document, I think. Or something like that. I could have read that wrong. I am a little confused about it myself.
Also about the test form template. I filled one out last week but am hoping there will be an updated level this week so I can fill another out.