This is where our master project file will live. To work on the master file please follow the instructions below.
1) If the file is listed as checked out, please wait or contact whoever has the file to see when they will be done.
2) If the file is available download the latest version from this page.
3) After you have downloaded the latest version please edit this page by adding a new line formatted as such "02-17: CHECKED OUT by YourName for YourChanges."
4) As soon as you are done with the file please upload it here without changing the file name.
5) After uploading the file edit this page by adding a new line formatted as such "02-17: CHECKED IN by YourName for YourActualChanges."
We do not have permission to upload a file and overwrite it due to the same name. The same goes for being able to delete the file. May I suggest that we DO NOT change the actual .ut3 file name, BUT rename the ZIP FILE. As you can see, I changed the zip file name to Master_File_2_17_2009.
Checked Out:
02-17: CHECKED OUT by Joe for Static mesh incorporation. (7:40pm PST)
02-17: CHECKED IN by Joe for Static mesh incorporation. (7:47pm PST)
02-20: CHECKED OUT by Heather for Takkan's Room text messages. (1:43 AM CST)
02-20: CHECKED IN by Heather for Takkan's Room text messages. (2:33 AM CST)
02-20: CHECKED OUT by Joe for Top-down map creation for team. (4:07 PM PST)
02-20: CHECKED IN by Joe for Top-down map creation for team and grouping of random meshes. (5:10 PM PST)
02-25: CHECKED OUT by Joe for static mesh imports. (7:35 PM PST)
02-25: CHECKED IN by Joe for static mesh imports. (8:32 PM PST)
02-27: CHECKED OUT by Heather for Tech imports. (9:41 PM CST)
02-27: CHECKED IN by Heather for Tech work, requires Mesh Pack 3 Update. (1:17 AM CST)
03-04: CHECKED OUT by Joe for late Team submissions and custom mesh implementation. (3:41 PM PST)
03-05: CHECKED IN by Joe for late team submissions, basic textures, pick-ups and meshes. (9:52 PM PST)
03-05: CHECKED OUT by Heather for Tech implementation. (1:24 AM CST)
03-05: CHECKED IN by Heather for Tech updates ( requires "GAD421_11W-CustomMeshesS.upk" now, too. (2:09 AM CST)
03-06: CHECKED OUT by Heather for error correction and troubleshooting. (7:28 PM CST)
03-06: CHECKED IN by Heather for error correction and troubleshooting. (8:18 PM CST)
03-08: CHECKED OUT by Heather for AI updates. (4:02 PM CST)
03-08: CHECKED IN by Heather for AI updates. (5:28 PM CST)
03-10: CHECKED OUT by Michelle for Textures. (02:17 AM EST)
03-10: CHECKED IN by Michelle for Textures. (8:32 PM EST) **PLEASE CHECK FILE NAME. FILE DOES NOT APPEAR AT BOTTOM OF LIST!!! "" - ** Two NEW UPK files necessary also.
03-10: CHECKED OUT by Joe for Texturing. (7:13 PST)
03-11 CHECKED IN by Joe for a few minor fixes (grouping) and textures. (10:08PM PST)
03-14 CHECKED OUT by Michelle for Meshes (09:45PM EST)
03-14 CHECKED IN by Michelle for Meshes (11:25PM EST) ** No changes, No file uploaded. Heather needs file. **
03-14 CHECKED OUT by Heather for incorporating Alan's last updates (10:32PM CST)
03-15 CHECKED IN by Heather for updates and error correction "" (12:17AM CST)
03-15 CHECKED OUT by Michelle for Meshes (11:00AM EST)
03-16 CHECKED IN by Michelle for Meshes (09:51PM EST) PLEASE GET NEW MESHES in DOC SHARING
** **
03-18 CHECKED OUT by Heather for respawn implementation (10:19PM CST)
03-18 CHECKED IN by Heather for respawn implementation (11:09PM CST)
03-20 CHECKED OUT by Heather for Alan's node corrections (9:01PM CST)
03-20 CHECKED IN by Heather for Alan's node corrections (11:51PM CST)
03-21 CHECKED OUT by Joe for Light implementation (10:58AM PST)
03-21 CHECKED IN by Joe for nothing (had computer problems, UT3 crashed and I had to go through a heavy recovery process (11:10PM PST)
03-22 CHECKED OUT by Heather for wrong version fix (8:48PM CST)
03-22 CHECKED IN by Heather with correct version in place (8:52PM CST)
03-24 CHECKED OUT by Joe for Light implementation (6:30PM PST)
03-25 CHECKED IN by Joe for FULL light implementation (12:56AM PST)
03-25 CHECKED OUT by Heather for wiring the lights to Kismet (1:27PM CST)
03-25 CHECKED IN by Heather for wiring the lights to Kismet, "" NOTE: needs "" (3:03PM CST)
03-25 CHECKED OUT by Michelle for Textures / Meshes "after rooftop room" (08:30PM EST)
03-25 CHECKED IN by Michelle for Textures / Meshes "after rooftop room" (10:30PM EST)
03-25 CHECKED OUT by Joe for Sound and grouping (7:35PM PST)
03-25 CHECKED IN by Joe for Sound and grouping (9:11PM PST)
ATTENTION!!! The file name has changed within the zip file.
Instead of DM-Zimris_Seal_of_Days_Master.ut3 IT IS NOW DM-Zimris_SoD_Master.ut3.
I kept getting the ambiguous name error, so I shortened it and it saved perfectly.