Week 3 Project Tasks
1) Establish an account on the course wiki. (If youre reading this I will assume you got this one covered.)
2) Start working with your team.
2) Team Leads, set up chat times for your team.
Week 3 Assignment 2 - Friday, January 30
Consider the roles required to develop a game title: Production, design, art, and tech. By Friday, January 30, 2009, in collaboration with your facilitator, propose a team breakdown of roles for each content area. Each content group should select one person to be the primary communicator and this should be noted in the team assignments. Next, based on this team configuration, propose a basic "project definition" outlining at a high level exactly what you plan to build for your game project in as much detail as possible. This should include basic locations/terrain, character use, enemy use, props, textures, audio and any story elements for your project. It is fine to keep this "high level" or "outline" form for presentation.
1) Our "Primary Communicators" will be our team leads.
2) Work out your roles within your individual teams.
3) Work with your team to creat a tast and asset list for the things your team will contribute to our project.
Weak 3 Assignment 3 - Saturday, January 31
Seeing the project definition presented by the class in various forms, should have helped to inform our specific project goals. By Saturday, January 31, 2009, team leads must provide schedules to approach construction of our project based on the project definition in its current state. Team members should post agreement with the schedules as created in collaboration with leads. This should include all materials and items required to cover the appropriate content area by team. Production should know all content wide milestones, design should have design milestones, art and tech—the same.
1) After your teams works out a draft schedule please send it to me as soon as you can.
2) I will work with the production team to hammer out schedule details.
3) I will go over any changes with the team leads before we all accept our project schedule.
Thanks and Have a Great Week!