Week 5 Project Tasks
Production |
Art |
Design |
Tech |
Test |
First Look Prep First Look Edits Project Documents |
First Look Prep First Look Edits Observatory |
First Look Prep First Look Edits Route to Zimri's |
First Look Prep First Look Edits Route to Zimri's |
First Look Prep First Look Edits Takkan's Room |
Week 6 Assignment 2 - Thursday, February 19
First Look By Producers - For the purposes of our class together, your facilitator is in effect playing the part of the publisher for whom you are building a game project. Soon after revisions are made to a block out phase in production, a publisher will want to see the game in progress (yes, even at this very early stage). The request by a publisher to see the game often causes extra pressure on the development schedule and team, as any team naturally wants to present the "best/most complete" work possible. By Thursday, February 19, 2009, prepare a build of your project for first look by the publisher. Submit this to the DocSharing Area. This is an early pre-alpha, but should have the benefit of refinements made during the block out process. This build should show the basic nature of what you are trying to build, even if still a primitive version. Publishers often use this assessment on game progress to adjust their release schedules, suggest changes (sometimes dramatic), and simply to monitor or spot check the development work they are paying for. Comment on results with your peers in the Discussion Area.
Weak 6 Assignment 3 - Saturday, February 21
First Look Edits - By Saturday, February 21, 2009, utilizing all of the feedback gained by completing a first look publisher review — make adjustments and edits to your build as necessary. Continue to refine and enhance the project while building in constructive feedback from the development team. Comment for others on the results of these edits and about any impact these changes have made against the current development schedule. Do they create or eliminate new risks?